I want to stop the boredom
I have decided to change this blog slightly. I have got bored with just posting recipes and for many who are reading this you probably find it as dry as I do.
The fact is we are all busy and we are all have stuff happening. We are all people doing people things.
So I plan to write every day to this blog and share with you my cooking creations for dinner even when I deem it to be unexciting. This will mean that I will probably start shuffling around the recipes in the blog as I write so sorry for those who visit here regularly if I confuse you.
Please as I post recipes print them up and try them for yourself. I want you to have as much joy as I do cooking and eating.
My hope is to inspire you to cook at home, cook without spending huge sums of money and also to stop (if you are) spending money on take out food and frozen food.
So here goes....
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